
Showing posts from August, 2020

1907 Vibroplex

  Below are numerous pictures of this 1907 Martin's Vibroplex. Its an odd example of a key from that time period. The serial number on the damper indicates its from 1907. I've had this 1907 Martin's Vibroplex for a while and finally got around to testing it this week. When I found the key it was filthy -- with a layer of some sort of scum like it was stored near a coal burning stove for a long time. It was from an Indiana estate sale. I can recall seeing another example of this type of key a long time ago but I didnt save the picture. If anyone owns a key like this one or has seen one like it, I would appreciate it if you let me know about it. If you've seen an example of this key or own one like it, contact me at . Thanks In the below picture you can see the shorting levers tensioning spring has lost its tension and is pointing up. So it needs to be retensioned. Another odd thing is the base is painted with a simulated leather effect. It appears to be ...

Speed key tests

  1953 Presentation, 1940 Les Logan 515, 1914 Vibroplex Original Pictured above left to right, 1953 Vibro Presentation, 1940 Les Logan 515, 1914 Vibro Orig I have around 50 speed keys of all years and makes & have always wanted to find the time to test the keys in order to select which key is capable of producing the best all around code. The best would be the one that produces crisp clean dots over all speed ranges and allows sending effortless code that seems to flow off the finger pieces. During the fine tuning process, I equipped the keys with a speed control device that allows fast speed changes from below 18wpm to over 30wpm. The first 3 keys I tested, I knew already produced fairly decent code to begin with. 1. 1953 Vibroplex Presentation 2. 1940 Les Logan 515 -- which has been modified with a better damper using 3m double backed tape. I had given up on this Les Logan due to dot stutter problems, but after using the 3m double backed tape as the damper material (instead o...

Vertical Placement of Vibroplex Style Speed Keys

I've been using speed keys since 1958 but I've never experimented with trying to place them vertically until recently.   The articulated damper assembly of Vibroplex Original keys are designed to be used horizontally.   So it requires a slight modification for vertical operation. Which takes only a few minutes as below:  1.  Lock the articulated damper arm in place by wrapping string or fishing line around the bottom of the damper assembly and around the articulated arm so that the articulated arm is held firmly in place. 2.  Lock the damper ring in place by securing it with its screw. 3.  Place a rubber O ring of the proper size around the damper wheel or replace the metal damper wheel with a rubber wheel of the same size.  Hardware stores have rubber wheels of the type used in faucet repair and you should be able to find the correct diameter needed. See the below picture of the easily modified damper with the rubber O ring. Now, all ...